

2022-04-14 13:58






Ceramic multilayer substrate for multi chip packaging. The manufacturing methods of nano alumina ceramic multilayer substrate for packaging include thick film printing method, green lamination method, green printing method and thick film mixing method.

The luminescent tube of high-pressure sodium lamp is a nano alumina transparent body formed by polycrystalline opaque high-purity nano alumina. When applied to the luminescent tube of high-pressure sodium lamp, the lighting efficiency is twice that of mercury lamp, thus opening up a new way to improve the lighting efficiency.

Transparent high-purity nano alumina fine ceramics can not only transmit light, but also have the properties of high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high insulation, high strength and low dielectric loss. It is an excellent optical ceramics and can also be used as microwave oven windows.

Nano alumina ceramic sensor: using the structural characteristics and characteristics of high-purity nano alumina ceramics such as grain, grain boundary and pore as sensitive elements, it is used in the environment of high temperature and corrosive gas to make the information of detection and control accurate and rapid.

From the type of application, there are temperature, gas, temperature and other sensors.


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