

2020-09-04 15:00







1, waterproof coating at normal temperature is viscous liquid, after curing, can form no seams of waterproof coating film.

2, waterproof coating is particularly suitable for the facade, Yin and Yang Angle, through the structure layer pipe, raised, under the site and other details of the structure of the waterproof construction, after curing, can form a complete waterproof film on the surface of these complex parts.
3, waterproof coating construction belongs to cold water operation, easy to operate, labor slightly low.

4, after curing the formation of the coating film waterproof layer weight, for light thin shell and other special-shaped roof most use waterproof paint for construction.
5, coating waterproof layer with good water, weather, acid and alkali resistance characteristics and excellent extension performance, can meet the needs of local deformation of the base.
6, the tensile strength of the coating film waterproof layer can be strengthened by attaching platform strengthening materials. For the cracks, structural joints, pipe roots and other parts prone to leakage, it is easy to strengthen, reinforce and maintain.
7, waterproof coating generally rely on manual coating, its thickness is difficult to achieve uniform. Therefore, the construction, the requirements in strict accordance with the operation of repeated brush, in order to ensure the unit area of the minimum usage, ensure the construction quality of coating film waterproof layer.
8, use coating waterproof, easy maintenance.
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